
Below is a list of publications authored and co-authored by the TRIAS Principal Investigator and colleagues. Click the title of the publication to access it. The publications have been organization by theme, and clicking the buttons below will move the page to a particular theme.

Integrated Planning Agricultural Technologies Climate Action
Coastal Places Research Dissemination Research Methods


Integrated Planning and Sustainable Communities

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Ghadiri, M., Krawchenko, T., & Newell, R. (2024). Applying a climate-biodiversity-health framework to support integrated food systems planning and policy. Journal of Environmental Management, 358, 120769.

Newell, R. (2023). The climate-biodiversity-health nexus: A framework for integrated community sustainability planning in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Climate, 5, 1177025.

Newell, R., Dring, C., & Newman, L. (2022). Reflecting on COVID-19 for integrated perspectives on local and regional food systems vulnerabilities. Urban Governance, 2(2), 316-327.

Issac, J., Newell, R., Dring, C., White, C., Ghadiri, M., Pizzirani, S., & Newman, L. (2022). Integrated sustainability planning and local food systems: Examining areas of and gaps in food systems integration in community sustainability plans for municipalities across British Columbia. Sustainability, 14(11), 6724.

Newell, R., Dale, A., & Lister, N.-M. (2022). An integrated climate-biodiversity framework to improve planning and policy: An application to wildlife crossings and landscape connectivity. Ecology and Society, 27(1), 23.

Newell, R., McCarthy, N., Picketts, I., Davis, F., Hovem, G., & Navarrete, S. (2021). Communicating complexity: Interactive model explorers and immersive visualizations as tools for local planning and community engagement. FACETS, 6, 1-30.

Newell, R., & Dale, A. (2021). COVID-19 and climate change: An integrated perspective. Cities & Health, 5(sup1), S100-S104.

Newell, R., & Picketts, I.M. (2020). Spaces, places, and possibilities: A participatory approach for developing and using integrated models for community planning. City and Environment Interactions, 6, 100040.

Newell, R., Picketts, I.M., & Dale, A. (2020). Community systems models and development scenarios for integrated planning: Lessons learned from a participatory approach. Community Development, 51(3), 261-282.

Newell, R., & Canessa, R. (2015). Seeing, believing, and feeling: The relationship between sense of place and geovisualization research. Spaces & Flows: An International Journal of Urban & Extra Urban Studies 6(4).

Dale, A., Newman, L., & Newell, R. (2014). Patterns of our footsteps: Topophilia, rhythm, and diversity in urban landscapes. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, 4(2), 85-93.



Agricultural Technologies and Sustainable Food Systems

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Glaros, A., Newell, R., Benyam, A., Pizzirani, S., & Newman, L. L. (2024). Vertical agriculture’s potential implications for food system resilience: outcomes of focus groups in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Ecology and Society, 29(1).

Newell, R., & Glaros, A. (2024). Sustainable food systems, development paths, and scenarios for cellular agriculture. In E. D. G. Fraser, D. L. Kaplan, L. Newman, & R. Y. Yada (Eds.), Cellular Agriculture (pp. 29–45). Academic Press.

Glaros, A., Newell, R., Fraser, E., & Newman, L. (2023). Socio-economic futures for cellular agriculture: The development of a novel framework. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, 970369.

Pizzirani, S., Newell, R., Glaros, A., Rahman, S., & Newman, L. (2023). Vertical farming innovation: Improving food security and conserving biodiversity. Amplify, 36(3), 38-46.

Newman, L., Newell, R., Dring, C., Glaros, A., Fraser, E., Mendly-Zambo, Z., Green, A. G., & KC, K. B. (2023). Agriculture for the Anthropocene: Novel applications of technology and the future of food. Food Security, 15, 613–627.

Newman, L., Fraser, E., Newell, R., Bowness, E., Newman, K., & Glaros, A. (2023). Cellular agriculture and the sustainable development goals. In C. Lopez-Correa & A. B. T.-G. and the G. B. Suarez-Gonzalez (Eds.), Translational and Applied Genomics (pp. 3–23). Academic Press.

Newell, R., Newman, L., & Mendly-Zambo, Z. (2021). The role of incubators and accelerators in the fourth agricultural revolution: A case study of Canada. Agriculture, 11(11), 1066.

Green, A. G., Abdulai, A. R., Duncan, E., Glaros, A., Campbell, M., Newell, R., Quarshie, P., KC, K. B., Newman, L., Nost, E., & Fraser, E. D. (2021). A scoping review of the digital agricultural revolution and ecosystem services: Implications for Canadian policy and research agendas. FACETS, 6, 1955-1985.

Glaros, A., Marquis, S., Major, C., Quarshie, P., Ashton, L., Green, A. G., KC, K. B., Newman, L., Newell, R., Yada, R., & Fraser, E. D. (2021). Horizon scanning and review of the impact of five food and food production models for the global food system in 2050. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 119, 550-564.

Newman, L., Newell, R., Mendly-Zambo, Z., & Powell, L. (2021). Bioengineering, telecoupling, and alternative dairy: Agricultural land use futures in the Anthropocene. The Geographical Journal, 1-15.

Newell, R., Newman, L., Dickson, M., Vanderkooi, B., Fernback, T., & White, C. (2021). Hydroponic fodder and greenhouse gas emissions: A potential avenue for climate mitigation strategy and policy development. FACETS, 6, 1-24.



Local Climate Action

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Ghadiri, M., & Newell R. (2024). Rethinking public transit networks using climate change mitigation and social justice lenses: Great Victoria Area case study. Sustainability, 16(6), 2414.

Jost, F., Dale, A., Newell, R., & Robinson, J. (2020). Evaluating development path changes using a novel climate action assessment framework in three municipalities in British Columbia, Canada. Environmental Science and Policy, 114, 410–421.

Jost, F., Dale, A., Newell, R., & Robinson, J. (2020). Climate action assessment in three small municipalities in British Columbia: Advancements vis-à-vis major neighboring cities. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 2, 100010.

Dale, A., Robinson, J., King, L., Burch, S., Newell, R., Shaw, A., & Jost, F. (2019). Meeting the climate change challenge: Local government climate action in British Columbia, Canada. Climate Policy, 1-15.

Newell, R., Dale, A. & Roseland, M. (2018). Climate action co-benefits and integrated community planning: Uncovering the synergies and trade-offs. The International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 10(4), 1-23.

Newell, R., & Robinson, J. (2018). Using decomposition methodology to gain a better understanding of progress in and challenges facing regional and local climate action. Journal of Cleaner Production 197(1), 1423-1434.



Island and Coastal Parks and Communities

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Willyono, E., Bone, C., & Newell, R. (2024). Geovisualisation for effective management of invasive species: Bridging the knowing–doing gap. Parks, 30(1), 25-36.

Newell, R., & Canessa, R. (2018). From sense of place to visualization of place: Examining people-place relationships for insight on developing geovisualizations. Heliyon, 4(2), e00547.

Newell, R., & Canessa, R. (2018). From sense of place to visualization of place: Examining people-place relationships for insight on developing geovisualizations. Heliyon, 4(2), e00547.

Newell, R., Canessa, R., & Sharma, T. (2017). Visualizing our options for coastal places: Exploring realistic immersive geovisualizations as tools for inclusive approaches to coastal planning and management. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 290.

Newell, R., Canessa, R., & Sharma, T. (2017). Modelling both the space and place of coastal environments: Exploring an approach for developing realistic geovisualizations of coastal places. Frontiers in Marine Science, 4, 87.

Newell, R., & Canessa, R. (2017). Picturing a place by the sea: Geovisualizations as place-based tools for collaborative coastal management. Ocean & Coastal Management, 141, 29-42.

Canessa, R., Newell, R., & Brandon, C. (2015). Uncovering the oceans through MarineScape geovisualizations. In D. Wright (Ed.). Ocean Solutions, Earth Solutions. Redlands, CA: ESRI.



Research Dissemination and Communications

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Clifton-Ross, J., Dale, A., & Newell, R. (2019). Frameworks and models for disseminating curated research outcomes to the public. SAGE Open, 9(2).

Newell, R., Dale, A., & Winters, C. (2016). A picture is worth a thousand data points: Exploring visualizations as tools for connecting the public to climate change research. Cogent Social Sciences, 2(1): 1201885.

Newell, R., & Dale, A. (2014). Mapping the complexities of online dialogue: An analytical modeling technique. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 15(2).



Research Methods and Techniques

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Ghadiri, M, Newell, R, & Krawchenko, T. (2024). Participatory system mapping for food systems: Lessons learned from a case study of Comox Valley, Canada. Challenges, 5(2), 1-22.

Newell, R., Dring, C., & Newman, L. (2023). Participatory research methods for examining lessons from COVID-19 about local food systems vulnerabilities to exogenous shocks. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 6(1), 1–18.

Jost, F., Newell, R., & Dale, A. (2021). CoLabS: A collaborative space for transdisciplinary work in sustainable community development. Heliyon, 7(2), e05997.

Goudine, A., Newell, R., & Bone, C. (2020). Seeing climate change: A framework for understanding visualizations for climate adaptation. Intern. J. of Geo-Inform., 9(11), 644.

Moore, A. W., King, L., Dale, A., & Newell, R. (2018). Toward an integrative framework for local development path analysis. Ecology & Society, 23(2), 13.

Newell, R., Dale, A., Herbert, Y., Duguid, F., Foon, R., & Hough, P. (2015). Trans-disciplinary research: An academic-practitioner partnership effort on investigating the relationship between the cooperative model and sustainability. RIMCIS-International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences 4(1) 23-53.

Newell, R., & Dale, A. (2015). Meeting the Climate Change Challenge (MC3): The role of the Internet in climate change research dissemination and knowledge mobilization. Environmental Communication, 9(2), 208-277.